For campers entering Kindergarten through 10th grades
*Children Entering Kindergarten MUST turn 5 by September 1, 2025*
Camp Hours 9:00 am to 4:30 pm
June 16th - August 8th 2025
To receive the early bird discounted rate campers must be registered by MARCH 31.
We require all campers to register for a minimum of TWO WEEKS!
Join our Akiba Day Camp Family by registering Today!
Temple Akiba Camps and Youth Programs are now using Campminder for all camp registrations and required forms! If one of your children attended one of camp program in 2023 or 2024 please use the Returning Camper Application. If you did not have a child in one of our camp programs in 2023 or 2024, please use the New Camper application.
Temple Akiba Member Pricing Per Week
Main Camp (Entering Kindergarten - 5th Grade) $455
K’far Noar (Entering 6th - 7th Grade) $485
Avodah (Entering 8th Grade) $485
Gesher (Entering 9th Grade; CIT) $325
Machon (Entering 10th Grade; CIT) $175
Non-Member Pricing per week
Main Camp (Entering Kindergarten - 5th Grade) $490
K’far Noar (Entering 6th - 7th Grade) $520
Avodah (Entering 8th Grade) $520
Gesher (Entering 9th Grade; CIT) $360
Machon (Entering 10th Grade; CIT) $210
Receive a $25 per week per child early bird discount if you register by March 31, 2025.
Receive a $15 per week sibling discount on all additional enrolled children after the 1st child.
*There are no sibling discounts offered for the Gesher or Machon Program*
All campers enrolled in Week 3 will have their registration for that week prorated to 4 days to account for no camp on 4th of July upon confirmation of registration.
day camp staff
The Akiba Day Camp staff is rich with experience in education, the arts, Judaic rituals, creativity, and athletics. Many of the staff have returned to work at Akiba Day Camp summer after summer, after growing up there as a camper. We offer one of the highest staff-to-camper ratios in a day camp setting. All staff is CPR certified.