
Through their participation in synagogue and Jewish life, Temple Akiba Religious School provides all its students with the opportunity to strengthen their faith in God, love of Torah, and identification with the Jewish people.

From kindergarten to 12th grade, Temple Akiba Religious School nurtures students and teaches them to value and practice prayer, further the causes of justice, peace and freedom, celebrate Shabbat, festivals and ceremonies, and support and participate in the life of the synagogue. Such Jews will strengthen the fabric of Jewish life and ensure the future of Judaism and our people.

Our Approach

Temple Akiba strives to provide our students with a Reform Jewish Education. To help guide us in this goal, the Temple Akiba Religious School follows the goals developed by the Joint Commission of Jewish Education of the Union for Reform Judaism.


The goal of Jewish Education within the Reform Movement is the deepening of Jewish experience and knowledge for all liberal Jews. We believe that Judaism contains answers to the challenges and questions confronting the human spirit, and that only a knowledgeable Jew can successfully discover these answers.

Our Focus

We provide a program of Jewish education, which will enable children, youth and adults to become Jews who:

  • Affirm their Jewish identity and bind themselves to Am Yisrael

  • Bear witness to b’rit (the covenant between God and Jews) through Mitzvot (commandments)

  • Affirm their historic bond to Eretz Yisrael, the Land of Israel

  • Cherish the study of Hebrew

  • Value and practice tefila (prayer)

  • Further the causes of justice, peace and freedom through chesed (loving-kindness)

  • Celebrate Shabbat, festivals and ceremonies marking significant occasions in our lives

  • Esteem their own person, families, and communities; and those of others

  • Express kinship with K’lal Yisrael by actively seeking the welfare of Jews throughout the world

  • Support and participate in the life of the Synagogue


Program Highlights

  • Music, Israeli dance, and Krav Maga specialists

  • Immersive language acquisition program: Hebrew Through Movement

  • Family learning days

  • Holiday celebrations

  • Retreats

  • Social action projects

  • Shabbatons

  • Monthly family Shabbat services


New Families: please contact rabbifreedman@templeakiba.net for registration information.

2024-2025 Religious Enrollment Fees


Sunday School – TK or K graduate from ECC - $720

Sunday School – Transitional Kindergarten through Third Grade - $1,625

Sunday/Tuesday School – Fourth and Fifth Grade - $2,125

Monday/Tuesday School – Sixth Grade - $2,125

Monday Night School – Seventh Grade - $1,425

Akiba High School – Eighth and Ninth Grades - $1,425

Akiba High School Confirmation – Tenth Grade - $1,525

Akiba High School Post Confirmation – Eleventh and Twelfth Grades - $1,425


SCHEDULE OF CLASSES: All classes are in person only

Transitional Kindergarten through 3rd Grade – Sundays 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.’

4th and 5th Grades – Sundays 9:00 a.m. ­­­­- 12:00 p.m.

and Tuesdays Afternoons 4:00-5:30


6th Grade – Mondays 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm and Tuesdays Afternoons 4:00-5:30

7th Grade – Mondays 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Akiba High 8th through 12th Grade – Mondays 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Tuition for 6th-12th grade includes grade-supervised open hangout time in the youth lounge from 4:00-6:00 pm including Pizza each week.

We look forward to having your child(ren) registered in Religious School for the coming year. If you have any questions, please call the Religious School Office (310) 398-9781 or email rabbifreedman@templeakiba.net